Microcut® Technology
Custom technology and industry standard compliance give the Microcut X-12PLUS its power.

CIP 3/4 & JDF
The International Cooperation for the Integration of Processes in Prepress, Press and Postpress Organization (CIP4) is a nonprofit organization that brings together vendors, consultants and end-users in print communications, graphic arts, and other affiliated industries. Members work together to define future versions of Job Definition Format (JDF), to study user requirements, and to design a JDF Software Development Kit.
The JDF is an industry standard designed to simplify information exchange between different applications and systems in and around the graphic arts industry. To that end, JDF builds on and extends beyond pre-existing partial solutions, such as CIP3's Print Production Format (PPF) and Adobe Systems' Portable Job Ticket Format (PJTF). It also enables the integration of commercial and planning applications into the technical workflow. JDF joins the growing number of standards based on XML, ensuring maximum possible portability between different platforms and ready interaction with Internet-based systems.
Winner of the PIA/GATF InterTech Technology Award, microcip® software from C&P Microsystems' allows the importation and conversion of standardized CIP/JDF files into cutting programs for the Microcut X-12PLUS cutter automation system, offering major advantages to users of virtually any paper cutter:
It's Easy
- Creates cutting programs automatically, converted from .ppf, CIP or JDF files
- Integrates with your company's network to easily transfer and adjust files
- Employs convenient graphic interface for guide and gripper reorientation or dimensional changes Requires no additional hardware or software
It's Efficient
- Eliminates the need for manual data entry
- Eliminates job errors thanks to automated conversion of files to cutter programs
- Reduces programming time to a matter of seconds
It's Adaptable
- Allows most paper cutters to be upgraded to handle CIP/JDF files
- Replaces your old technology, not your existing machinery
- Offers the same programming and operating features, regardless of the paper cutter's make
It's Profitable
- Frees up capital for other investments since microcip is compatible with older paper cutters (no need to purchase a new one)
- Increases productivity - faster job completion
- Returns the investment in eighteen months or less
microfacts software tracks real time spent on cutting jobs, allowing for easier prediction of job costs, better project completion estimates, enhanced security, and more detailed reporting. This standard option on the Microcut X-12PLUS consists of five main features:
Access Codes
microfacts provides access codes for up to ten different operators as well as two management codes. Management can use its two codes to run reports and configure the system, including defining which features each operator can use. This eliminates machine usage by unauthorized personnel.
Once their codes are enabled by managers, operators need only use their codes at login or during the machine's idle time (see below). When logged in with a valid code, the operator is automatically set up for his preferences of screen color, key response, and operating parameters.
Data Collection
Managers have the option to collect data tied to any access code. The computer can keep track of all mode changes, operations, and times for each job. Users can then extract this real time data in a variety of reports. See REPORT GENERATION below for more details.
Idle Time
If data collection is on, managers also have the option of enabling the idle time feature. Idle time can be set from 1 to 99 minutes. Any time a machine goes unused (without keystroke or knife operation) for the allotted idle time, a screen will appear requesting that the operator indicate the reason for the idle time via the on-screen keyboard.
Data Transfer
microfacts allows for multiple types of data transfer: from cutter to computer or, via a network connection (also referred to as cutternet), from one cutter to another. Users can also evaluate data at the machine itself on the microcut console. Time data can only be transferred using a management access code, while job data can be transferred by anyone.
Report Generation
Generate multiple report formats using this fully guided, on-screen feature. Filter for date range, operator codes, job numbers, idle times, and more. View the report on screen or in hardcopy with full detail or in summary form. Reporting aids in evaluating bottlenecks and improving overall work flow at and around the machine.
cutternet is the hardware and software that facilitates data flow between Microcut X-12PLUS units and any PC compatible computer via a network cable. This connection allows for fast, simple reading and storage of key data on machine use and job costs that will help you evaluate bottlenecks and generate true measures of performance and profitability. cutternet fosters enhanced job programming and data manipulation as well: store jobs on a remote networked computer to dramatically increase job flexibility in multi-user shops. And swap jobs between machines through the computer interface.
Employ cutternet in tandem with standard microfacts software and enjoy these enhancements:
- Store and evaluate operating data on dates, operators, machines, job numbers, and idle time to help evaluate efficiency, productivity, and job costs
- View data on screen or send to a printer attached to the computer
- Manipulate the data to make it compatible with your management systems
Different shops require different features, so we've designed cutternet to be adaptable. However, if there are features you require that do not seem to be included with this package, please contact us. We will be happy to investigate your needs and add features if possible, or to consult with the engineers for your existing management system to aid in integrating cutternet into your operations.